
Analysis of resistive SFCL in a test-bed microgrid

(in lingua inglese)

An application of resistive SFCL in a microgrid is presented in this paper. Resistive SFCL proves to be highly effective inreducing prospective fault current in a microgrid. Another advantage of using resistive SFCL is that they can be connected directly in series to the line. Apparently, there are trade-offs relating to the location and resistance sizing of the SFCL. The reason for selecting the test location of SFCL was explained in the article, i.e., testing the performance of resistive SFCL during fault current injection from DG, and more detailed study about the sizing is necessary depending on SFCL usage

Articoli tecnico scientifici o articoli contenenti case history
Fonte: Articolo Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 2015
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